Grace Bible Church is a place concerned with proclaiming the power of God’s word faithfully in order that the hearts of all who attend will be changed eternally. Knowing that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” His word is center stage in all that we do. As you attend our fellowship, we pray that you walk away feeling welcomed, loved, and spiritually fed. We always strive to be a place where your heart is the heart of the matter. We want to welcome you and pray that you will be blessed as we have by your joining in worship with us.
Mission Statement
We believe the local New Testament church is, as stated in scripture, the place Christ “gave His life for” (Ephesians 5:25). It should be viewed by the true believer as the place to which they give their constant devotion and most loyal commitment (Hebrews 10:25; Ephesians 5:19-21; Colossians 3:16-17). Its purpose can be summed up in its three-fold scriptural purposes – to evangelize, to educate, to edify (Ephesians 4:11-16; Acts 20:32; Romans 14:19; I Corinthians 10:23). All ministries, events, activities, and actions towards others should be moving to this end. The leadership, membership, and all who visit should sense in the total church community a reverential fear of our sovereign God, a submission to the scripture, a gentleness towards others, rejoicing in all circumstances, a biblical life-changing gospel, and a hunger to become more like Christ. In light of all this and much more revealed in scripture, Grace Bible Church will seek to accomplish all that God, in His sovereign plan, has placed it here for (I Corinthians 10:31).
Our Vision for the Church
Our vision as a local church body is based on Acts 1:8. It is our desire to witness the saving grace of Christ changing lives in our Jerusalem – our local community, in our Judea – our surrounding communities and state, and our Samaria – the nation God has placed us in, and the ends of the earth, through missions. Everything we do as a church body has this vision in mind, and we seek to accomplish it through our personal testimony, worship, and continued outreach. II Corinthians 4:5-7 is the vision of our ministry, and the passion that drives everything that we do.

Church Defined
Grace Bible Church is a place concerned with proclaiming the power of God’s word faithfully in order that the hearts of all who attend will be changed eternally. Knowing that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” His word is center stage in all that we do. As you attend our fellowship, we pray that you walk away feeling welcomed, loved, and spiritually fed. We always strive to be a place where your heart is the heart of the matter. We want to welcome you and pray that you will be blessed as we have by your joining in worship with us.

Our History
Grace Bible Church was established in 1990 in two rented classrooms in a local college. Then, under the leadership of its current pastor, the church rented a local Seventh-day Adventist church on Sundays. This allowed Grace to establish its doctrinal and organizational roots scripturally. After one year the church was led to its present location at 333 Oak Street in Oakland Maine. Over the past several decades at the present location, the church has seen the hand of God’s blessing through several building projects and property improvements. But beyond the physical property, the real growth has been in the scriptural integrity of its teaching and the genuine hearts of the people, “for they had a mind to work.” The church has experienced the usual ebb and flow of growth but has seen steady growth in spiritual depth and biblical understanding. God in His providence has established Grace Bible Church in this part of His greater vision so we can see the admonition given in Ephesians 4:6-11 produced and practiced among its membership and all who attend.